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.:: About Us ::.

The history of Krista Mitra High school cannot be separated from the history of the development of GKI Beringin. At the beginning of 1950, GKI Beringin was a group of youngsters with religious brotherhood activities as the main point. In its development, the brotherhood was always colored by spirit of youth. The guidance and attention for young generation received more priority because youngsters are a youth of the nation.



Along with the development of GKI Beringin, in the year 1986, the commission of education was build with its long term aims such as: held a formal education to create quality student as the form of affection learning. To reach the long term aims, in 24th Dec 1988, the GKI Beringin committee promote a YPKK board as “Badan Pembantu Majelis jemaat” which has a job to do the Service Program for society. Dated on 10th Feb 1991, the school building was start. The first step, two floors building was built. It is for: classroom, hall, laboratory and library and it finished at 15th May 1992. The date became momentum for Krista Mitra High School because on this is the date when Mr. Soetrisno Soeharto (Major of Semarang region) sign the epigraph which also resemble the opening of Student Enrollment at Krista Mitra High School for 1st grade the year 1992-93. The second step in building the physical form of the school dated on 6th Feb 1994; which in the future will establish as the center study building consist of source study room, skill room and audiovisual room.

Since 1994/1995, Krista mitra high School was led by Mr. Adi Rahardjo B. Th. The hand over ceremony for principal position (from Dra. Triliana EN) to the new principal was held on 9th June 1994. Why the school used the name Krista mitra? Krista mitra has a special meaning. Mitra is friend, partner, best friend, while Krista means Christ. So generally Krista Mitra means the friend of Christ. From those meaning, we hope to create an intellectual and religious leader. On 27th of March 1996, based on the decree of DEPDIKBUD No. 37/C/KEP/MN/1996 and First Accreditation Result, Krista Mitra High School gained an Equal Status. This is estonishing achievement because none of the High School in Semarang ever to gain that status in their beginning of operation. Dated on 24th Sept 1996 the building of GKI Bringin officially opened in Puri Anjasmoro. This building is located in Krista Mitra area, which hopely can encourage the student moral. In 1998, Krista Mitra had already occupied with Sophisticated Audiovisual facility and pioneering in Educational methods based on Multimedia in Semarang even in Central Java. It is expected that teacher or educator able to visualized all material which are hard to describe in a conventional teaching. In the year 2000, the School Foundation provide the school with internet. This facility can accommodate the teacher or student in accessing every information to enrich knowledge. The school Foundation also provide “Warnet” which can be used freely in certain hour.

Krista mitra management clearly understand that most people are already enthusiastic to apply in their school, that is why the development of cybernetic way can facilitate the applicant from in or outside java area to be the member of Krista mitra.

This first application form is directed for the up coming student who wish to apply in the 1st phase, and also as a new innovation on school enrollment which will be push forward in the future. For the time being, Krista Mitra is making this online application form thru Krista Mitra Forum, because the builder of SQL/ which people used to say as Krista mitra Database is in reorganizing and cannot be connected to server in Krista Mitra.

To fulfill the enthusiastic of the society, in a short period, we will give the form consist of as short data of the student and we will try to recruit them as much as possible from all over the city, even island; who wish to be educate in Krista mitra.

After submitting this online application form, you will get a reply E-mail or will be contact by the Krista Mitra’s Staff (Phone or Fax) and the student will be confirm about when the date and time of the enrollment test will be held.

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